
"una de las mayores amenazas cosmicas, protagonista de momentos que casi acaban con todo el universo...alguna vez, debio haber tenido una infancia inocente...
y en esa misma infancia debio haber sucedido algo que lo convirtiera en el "Titan Loco"...
en el conquistador, en...

Thanos Rising is a 5-issue comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics that debuted on April 3, 2013, as part of Marvel NOW!. The series, written by Jason Aaron with artwork by Simone Bianchi, will focus on the origins of the supervillain Thanos.

Thanos returns to his destroyed home on the Saturn moon Titan to visit the grave of his mother, Sui-San. The story then goes back to the birth of Thanos, where Sui-San tries to kill Thanos at first sight. The doctors then sedate his mother at Eternal Mentor's request. During his school years, Thanos has the reputation of the smartest child in school as well as a pacifist, though he kept himself isolated due to his appearance and only played with his brother Eros, though soon enough, a group of children approach him and he becomes friends with them despite his appearance. He was also a talented artist and had recurring nightmares about someone trying to kill him at birth, which is revealed to his mother who appears to be imprisoned in a mental institution. Thanos is then tasked to dissect a lizard, which he runs away from and vomits outside, where he is encountered by a girl who tells him about a cave she visits. Thanos visits the caves with his new friends, where they are trapped by collapsing rocks. After three days of digging out the rocks, Thanos sees that a group of lizards have eaten his friends right down to the bone and he flees. Upon returning to school, he is once again alone due to the circumstances surrounding him being the only survivor. Thanos' present day dialogue says the people of Titan had decided that Thanos had murdered them, starting him on the road to his present day self. The truth is, however, Thanos was convinced by the same girl who showed him the cave, to drop his overly passive nature so he could kill the lizards in revenge for his dead friends.[5] Thanos then begins to move on to bigger and better subjects believing his killing spree to be nothing more than a scientific experiment in the name of knowledge. He moves from dissecting lizards to cave apes and eventually starts killing his fellow eternals starting with 2 teens from his school. He admits to the girl that he has feelings for her and tries to kiss her and says can make her love him. She says the only love he knows is the love of killing. He then decides to find out the cause of his bloodlust rationalizing a genetic reason. He then turns to his mother strapped to a table and tells her that once he has found out what the reason for his insanity is and has cut it out of her that he won't have to be a monster anymore. He then proceeds to dissect her and apologizes that she didn't succeed in killing him when he was first born.





Writer(s): Jason Aaron

Artist(s): Simone Bianchi
